Announcement on Convening the Annual Shareholders General Meeting 2012
Announcement on Resolutions of the Seventh Meeting of the Seventh Board of Supervisors
Stock Option Incentive Plan (Draft) Abstract
Announcement on Resolutions of the Twelfth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors
Announcement on Resolutions of the Sixth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Supervisors
Announcement on Resolutions of the Eleventh Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors
Stock Codes: 600801, 900933 Stock Abbreviations: Huaxin Cement, Huaxin B Share Ref: Lin 2013-004 Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. Announcement on Schedule of Investor and Analyst Day in 2013 and Presenting the 2012 Online Session To the best of our knowledge, the Board of Directors of the Company and its mem
Stock Codes: 600801, 900933 Stock abbreviations: Huaxin Cement, Huaxin B Share Ref: Lin 2013-003 Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. Announcement on Changing the Forecast of the Performance of 2012 To the best of our knowledge, the Board of Directors of the Company and its members confirm that there is no mater
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